For more than two decades, Logan has been retained as a subject matter expert to provide litigation support and expert witness services within the architecture and construction industry. Over the years, Logan has provided such services on a myriad of claim types such as design and construction defects, professional standard of care, industry standards, schedule and cost claims, and premises liability – just to mention a few. In providing such services, Logan has testified in numerous depositions, trials, arbitrations and other judicial hearings.
Since forming his security and investigation firm in 2006, Logan has been retained as a subject matter expert to provide investigations, litigation support, and expert witness services on numerous matters involving security related incidents. In addition to performing security assessments on buildings and facilities specific to increasing the security levels of protection to defend against an active assailant attack such as an active shooter, Logan has been retained as a subject matter expert on multiple active shooter incidents after the fact.
Below are just a few examples of cases Logan has been retained as a subject matter expert:
- Case Example 1: Retained to evaluate and opine on a hospital security management plan following an incident where a patient was sexually assaulted by a staffer just hours after having surgery. The staffer was not authorized to be in the area where the assault occurred.
- Case Example 2: Retained to investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding an incident determined by law enforcement to be a double-murder suicide incident for the purposes of determining the order of death of the two victims.
- Case Example 3: Retained to investigate, evaluate, and opine on the facts and circumstances surrounding a physical altercation between a patron and contract security guards at a nightclub facility. Issues involved allegations of negligent hiring, negligent training, negligent supervision, and excessive use of force.
- Case Example 4: Retained to investigate and evaluate the facts and circumstances surrounding an in-custody death incident. Issues involved allegations of negligent hiring, negligent training, negligent supervision, and excessive use of force.
- Case Example 5: Retained to review and evaluate the facts and circumstances surrounding an apartment manager’s sexual assaults on children living at the apartment complex.
- Case Example 6: Retained to investigate and evaluate the facts and circumstances surrounding a sexual assault on an individual staying at a safe-house. The issues involved evaluation and assessment of physical and operational security measures.
- Case Example 7: Retained to investigate and evaluate the facts and circumstances surrounding an assault on an individual residing at a multi-family residential complex. Involved the evaluation and assessment of the physical and operational security measures along with a criminal history review of the property.
- Case Example 8: Retained to review and evaluate the facts and circumstances surrounding an assault on a hotel guest. Involved the evaluation and assessment of the physical and operational security measures.
- Case Example 9: Retained to review and evaluate the facts and circumstances surrounding a vandalism incident occurring at a high-rise apartment building. Involved the evaluation and assessment of the physical and operational security measures in-place at the time of the incident.
- Case Example 10: Retained to review and evaluate the facts and circumstances surrounding an incident between a patron and contract security guard during an entertainment event. Issues involved allegations of negligent hiring, negligent training, negligent supervision, and excessive use of force.
In providing such services Logan is routinely retained on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants.